
Alexis Casillas offers individual representation against educational entities, case management services for students, speaking Engagements and training, attorney mentoring and event speaking services.

Consultation and Representation (Limited)

Alexis offers consultations and individual client representation for school-related issues. She also provides hearing and appellate support to advocates and attorneys in education-related cases, and offers educational consultation services to students involved in the family court, dependency, and juvenile justice systems.


Case Management

Some families find the day-to-day maintenance of a child's disability-related needs get in the way of being a mom or a dad. Alexis offers case management to oversee progress and program design.


Guest Blogging and Q&As

Alexis is available for guest lectures, guest blogs, guest vlogs, or live Q&A sessions for your group.


Speaking Events

In her work as an attorney, and as a trainer of attorneys and advocates across the country, Alexis has developed a number of programs to educate a variety of audiences about Regional Center and education-related issues.